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A New Light on Angels

Illustrated by Damian Keenan
Published by Findhorn Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

The ubiquitous angels of everyday life are introduced in this fully revised and expanded bestseller. Buoyed by the firsthand experiences of regular people who have interacted with angels, the book offers guidance on how to reach out to the gentle beings who have chosen to serve mankind through help, support, and healing. The identities and purposes of a multitude of angels are explored, from the small angels who care for the slightest daily tasks to the enormous archangels who cast light over great universal projects. By raising consciousness and awareness about these heavenly spirits and the amazing companionship they have to offer, this investigation offers a glimpse into a more evolved world full of peace, light, and joy.

About The Author

Diana Cooper is a therapist, healer, author of several books, and the founder of the Diana Cooper Foundation. Her journey started during a time of personal crisis when she received an angel visitation that changed her life. Since then the angels and her guides have taught her about the angelic realms, unicorns, fairies, Atlantis, and Orbs as well as many other spiritual subjects. Through her workshops and therapy practice she has helped countless people find their life mission, fulfill their potential, and empower their lives. Diana’s aim and vision is to light the way to enable children, adults, and the planet to ascend graciously and happily.

About The Illustrator

Founding partner in Design Factory, Dublin from 1983 to 1990. Damian Keenan subsequently relocated to Germany and is currently based in Heidelberg. For the past 20 years he has worked as designer/illustrator for a range of national/international clients that include small-to-middle size companies, advertising agencies and publishers.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Findhorn Press (September 1, 2009)
  • Length: 144 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781844091669

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Raves and Reviews

"This whole matter of dealing with angels is far more business-like than the uninitiated might think, and it is not just about peace, healing, and a healthy aura. Angels can also be called upon to solve practical problems, and there is even an angel of parking spaces!"

– Ronald White, Sunday Times

"This book offers us a primer of what angels really are, what they do and how we can help them help us serve mankind. Angels are waiting, ready, willing and able to help. It is our duty to seek them out and collaborate for a greater positive good. A New Light on Angels is a completely revised, updated and expanded edition of the bestselling A Little Light on Angels, with new original color illustrations by Damian Keenan. Author Diana Cooper has provided close to 50% new materials including new stories, visualizations and information on Archangels."

– Sonia von Matt Stoddard, Awareness Magazine

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