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Numerology Has Your Number

Numerology Has Your Number


About The Book

Here is a crystal-clear reference guide to the science and art of numerology, including each number's corresponding color, flower, musical note and instrument, food, gem, crystal, state, city, planet, and compatible and incompatible numbers.

Using Dodge's step-by-step instructions and simple worksheets, you will learn how to use your name and birthdate to calculate the personal numbers that reveal your motivations, marriage and job opportunities, self-image, destiny and life purpose, personal year, month and day numbers, and more -- plus an in-depth analysis of the all-important challenge number, the indicator of hidden talents and the key to personal growth and success.

Simple, fun, and brimming with insights, here is today's most authoritative manual on numerology by the nations foremost expert.




Looking for a new dimension? A channel to flawless timing? An appraiser of personal assets? If you can count your fingers effortlessly, you can use numerology to find your answers. Numerology is a mystical arithmetic system that reveals character, personality, and experience through the sensible progressions of numbers.

Numerology's simple arithmetic bases its startling revelations on over 11,000 years of coincidence. Prehistoric, ancient-Greek, and Elizabethan-Age societies all recognized its efficacy. Clan leaders, philosophers, and priests throughout the ages have organized its psychical information. Modernized in the sixth century B.c., today it is a down-to-earth, straightforward, speedy system for self-examination and charting opportunities.

Numerology elongates the vision of the nearsighted, blasts through tunnel vision, and just plain sheds light when we want clarity. Numbers are not just cumulative values to be totaled by a calculator or applied to odds at a crap table. This is the eighties, the age of numbers, and the duality of their importance is even more in focus. We are drawn to people, places, and things that vibe with us, and most of us find one or two numbers that feel lucky or seem to turn up in addresses or phone numbers no matter how often we change them. When you understand the gist of the number meanings, you will be able to understand the types of people and experiences that your changing home, phone, and auto repeatedly attract.

For those interested in metaphysics, numerology can sharpen mind-expansion techniques and prepare the mind to use extrasensory perceptions and mental transference easily. Numerology prods one to stretch the imagination. You may visualize how you look, feel, and act at your highest possible potential based on its number meanings. As the ancients knew and today's forecasters believe, whatever the mind can visualize, one can achieve.

Numerology provides a complete personality-lifestyle profile when we apply the meanings of individual numbers to our birth names and birth dates. The numbers of our names describe the things that we are born knowing. The numbers of our birth dates describe the things that we have to learn.

The number symbols for the letters in your name outline your natural instincts, self-image, and talents. People relate immediately to their names. Metaphysicians believe that the soul selects its name prior to birth to reflect the sound of its capacities. To the listener a name is the person's melody, and those who are soulmates respond favorably when it is spoken. Names attract or repel according to their vibrations. If you compared the name numbers of best friends and intimate lovers, you would find the same numbers in their numerology charts. Uncomfortable relationships will have name numbers that are not compatible. That's because, according to Pythagoras, the father of modern numerology, "like" numbers have an affinity for one another. Certain numbers that crop up in a person's life repeatedly -- in addresses, telephone listings, auto license plates, bank accounts, social security numbers -- originate in the numbers of their name or birth date.

The numbers in your birth date describe lifetime experiences and their objectives. The subdivisions of the birth date -- the month, day, and year numbers -- are symbols for three major cycles of life experiences, and the total number meaning explains the types of people and experiences you will meet along the way, otherwise known as your destiny.

The birth-month and birthday-number meanings describe attitudes and actions. The birth-month-number meaning describes youthful impressions and environments. The birthday number symbolizes experiences during the twenty-seven-year mid-life productivity cycle, including the period from approximately age twenty-eight to age thirty-six, when you mature and stabilize. The day-of-birth number can help during that time by putting a focus on your career and explaining options.

Then there is the challenge number. I believe this number, found through a subtraction of your birth-date numbers, is one of the most important numbers in a person's life because it describes how you will cope with your destiny. It tells how you will use your natural instincts and talents (symbolized by your birth-name number) and how you will deal with the people and experiences you meet (symbolized by your birth-date number). And, after all, it is not your fate but your attitude toward it that determines success or failure, happiness or misery.

According to psychologists and therapists who have listened to their clients' taped numerology counselings, the perceptions of the challenge-number meanings are accurate and usually prove to be valuable tools for growth. While the childhood training ground for what later becomes obsessive and compulsive behavior may take years to identify in therapy, with numerology it is simply a matter of subtracting the month, day, and year of birth numbers. After these patterns are identified, trained professionals can offer methods for behavior modification. Of course, knowledge of challenge-number meanings alone cannot change behavior. It takes desire and commitment, too. If the interpretation of your challenge number brings past mistakes to mind, it's up to you whether the experience sparks self-delusion or a new awakening. As always, you have a choice.

But while challenge numbers describe self-destructive attitudes, negative habits, angers, and frustrations, they can also be the key to revealing hidden talents and opportunities and can help point the way to success. Challenge patterns are deeply ingrained in us from childhood, and when we learn to balance their extremes, challenges can become major pluses. At their negative extreme these numerological "Freudian slips" describe think-stuck attitudes, inappropriate reactions, and unrealistic self-appraisals. But by identifying these unpleasant tendencies, challenges can trigger the desire to finally call a halt to black-and-white decision making, self-destructive behavior, and the mental, emotional, and physical problems they create.

When you use numerology as a companion to common sense, all things are possible. For people who will take all the help they can get, numerology can be a wonderful copemate. If you wish to explore the greater significance of character, to uncloak disturbing habits, and to gain a purposeful perspective, NUMEROLOGY HAS YOUR NUMBER.

Copyright © 1988 by Ellin Dodge

About The Author

Ellin Dodge is numerologist to business executives, politicians, and stars of stage, screen, and television. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books (August 15, 1988)
  • Length: 352 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780671642433

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Raves and Reviews

Louise L. Hay author of You Can Heal Your Life Reading Numerology Has Your Number is almost like having a private reading with Ellin Dodge, one of my favorite numerologists. She is clear, insightful and fun.

Mildred Newman psychologist and coauthor of How to Be Your Own Best Friend Whether by means of numerology or by virtue of her powers of intuition, Ellin Dodge has remarkable insights. Her book is delightful.

David Mamet Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright As delineated by Ellin Dodge, numerology is certainly most useful for ordering one's thoughts. A fascinating book.

Samuel Botero international architectural designer It never ceases to amaze me how accurate Ellin has been. With Numerology Has Your Number, I'll finally be able to figure out how she does it.

Anne Tully Ruderman M.S.W., A.C.S.W. Ellin's numerology reading for one of my clients contributed significantly toward reducing the number of years she would have had to spend in therapy.

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